American Unemployment Benefits are not Ready for What’s Coming

This week I, along with 6.6 million Americans, and about 4 million in the weeks preceding, filed for unemployment. It is the first time in my life I have ever had to do so. While I've never made much money, I've always been able to work, and provide for myself. It was singularly disconcerting experience,… Continue reading American Unemployment Benefits are not Ready for What’s Coming

Inhumanity is the New Policy

For the third time in United States history the House delivered Articles of Impeachment against a sitting president early this year. They detail a plot of corruption from the President throughout official and unofficial government channels, which endangered US interest, international standing and free democracy. What is left unsaid in those articles are a series… Continue reading Inhumanity is the New Policy

The Terror is Real

In the past, I have written about mass tragedy being made political. It is a difficult emotional process to understand and grieve after a communal tragedy, and then convert that grief into anger, into mobilized action that is policy-based, inherently political, but aimed at corrected the environment which leads to these tragedies. It is necessary… Continue reading The Terror is Real

Reality has no home here

I have spent most of my adult life in a place I did not grow up. I came from Texas to Chicago for college, and have stayed nearly a decade. I could easily go back to Texas, but I have made relations and connections here, and choose to stay, whether I consider it home or… Continue reading Reality has no home here

Kamala Harris is not very far from Joe Biden

I know, there are some glaring differences. For one, Kamala Harris is a woman of color in her mid-fifties, and Joe Biden is a 70+ year old white man. Also notably, Joe Biden is a career Senator, while Harris is a freshmen Senator with a background as a California DA. If we're talking about their… Continue reading Kamala Harris is not very far from Joe Biden

Philadelphia DA Takes important step towards just Drug Policy

As more states begin to legalize recreational marijuana and reap the benefits, the rest of the country is becoming increasingly favorable to full legalization. States and cities that have yet to see legalization are finding way to ease restrictions on the substance so as to soften the impact of now outdated and harsh drug sentences.… Continue reading Philadelphia DA Takes important step towards just Drug Policy

How the 2nd Amendment is a Call for Gun Control

First it must be acknowledged why this nation is once again in the middle of a staunchly divided, ultimately ineffectual debate over gun control. It's the same reason we find ourselves in this deadlock every few months, or few weeks, or just long enough to leave and forget about before it happens again. Because once… Continue reading How the 2nd Amendment is a Call for Gun Control